Posted by: Brandon W. Jones | March 6, 2012

Leaders, Know Your People


Do you walk in every morning and go straight to your office? Once you get to your office, do you focus on responding to all your emails? Then you run from one meeting to the next and before you know it your day is over. Does this happen day after day, month after month? While you were in this routine, did you talk to your employees? Did you ask them how they were doing?

There are two prominent types of leaders: the work focused leader and the employee focused leader. The work focused leaders stay to themselves and only do their job. They don’t make time for their employees because their work is “FAR MORE IMPORTANT”, or so they think. They are full of reasons/excuses as to why they can’t help their employees. They are great at deflecting their people’s concerns. These types of leaders focus solely on their projects and success. They are also quick to anger when others ask them questions they don’t like. I am sure you know the type of leader I am talking about.

The employee focused leader, on the other hand, knows and loves their people. This type of leader focuses, first, on their people and, second, on their projects and the work they do. This leader does the opposite of the work focused leader. They come in and say, “Good morning!” to their employees before they hit their emails. They also take their employees needs and concerns very seriously. They are slow to anger. In addition, they put the needs of their employees first and regularly put in a good word for their people.

Think of the leaders you loved as you worked your way up the chain. They focused on you and helped you to get where you are. Their help may have come as words of encouragement, or they may have helped lift you up when you were down. Those leaders may have given you advice that changed your life.

What type of leader are you? Have you experienced the employee focused leader? How did that leader change your life or your outlook on leadership? Please share your thoughts and comments in the comment section below!


  1. […] Leaders, Know Your People – 3/6/2012 Do you walk in every morning and go straight to your office? Once you get to your office, do you focus on responding to all your emails? Then you run from one meeting to the next and before you know it your day is over. Does this happen day after day, month after month? While you were in this routine, did you talk to your employees? Did you ask them how they were doing? […]

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